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Obama to town wracked by school shooting:.
16.12.2012 · Watch CNN's LIVE TV coverage of the Connecticut elementary school shooting as the story continues to unfold. People are sharing their concern and sadness
President Obama today will announce his administration's first coordinated steps to respond to the elementary school shooting in Newtown, a day after
Late at night, in an unnamed U.S. city, a solitary man sits at a bus stop. A pregnant woman runs by, pursued by a man with a gun. With reluctance, the man at the bus
After school shooting, quiet Newtown.
U.P.'s ice walls are back and prime for a climb. Fierce wind drove snow into head-high drifts. Night had fallen in Munising, where dozens of frozen waterfalls and ice
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007) - IMDb
With marijuana possession now legal in Washington state, and soon in Colorado too, residents face a confusing mishmash of federal and state laws when it comes to
“How can we be protected from people like this?” Jack DeFumeri wondered out loud, saying he moved to Newtown – founded in 1711 – years ago from much-larger
Buzzkill: Feds fire warning shot over pot.